Monday, January 30, 2012

Summer-time Battle

The water swirled
and then was still
a calm appeared;
but below was frantic .

Lurking in the deep,
cold , dark underneath
was a large and ferocious
striped beast.

Again the water churned
and the small darted away
seeking a shelter; an escape
from the striped’s feast.

A line was thrown
under a bow drooping low
a popping of the line
as it came slowly toward
the one so anxious for a feast.

With the sudden rush
a violent storm appeared
without so much of a warning
the line grew taunt
amid an explosion of sound and fury.

Mighty was the noise
and fearsome yet the fight
as a warrior and his adversary
fought to see if the other would give flight.

Then as quick as it began
it was over in a flash
the water was stilled
the noise drifted away
and calm returned in the midst of a summer day.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Child's Tale

Fast as lightning
quick as a flash
away I went
darting here, running there
like a bumble bee I flew
so fast that I knew
no one could catch me
no they couldn't
cause I'm the fastest
and the baddest
I know that I can run so fast
but the one that can beat me
is my daddy - he's so fast!