Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Why am I doing this?

My step-daughter, whom I love very much, set this blog up for me.

In doing it, I am reminded of a story told to me by my mother [who died several years ago at the age of 94] about my grandfather, who at the time [1925] was the Superintendent of the State Colony [a public facility in Louisiana for the mentally retarded].

There was a patient there known as "buffalo Bill" who was causing quite a rukus. My grandfather called him in and asked him what was wrong, Bill said, "Doctor, if I could just go outside and holler it would be all right". My grandfather said, "Bill, is that all you you need to do to make everything all right?" "Yes, Sir" said Bill. So, my grandfather gave instructions that every day at 5:00 p.m. Bill was to be taken up the hill at the State Colony and allowed to holler all he wanted. So each day Bill went up on the hill, shouted all he wanted for 15 minutes or so, and then was taken back to his dormitory, not to be heard from until the next day.

This blog is somewhat like Bill - I can holler all I want, no one will pay any attention to it, but I'll sleep well the rest of the night.

1 comment:

Jennifer White said...

I am hoping that you will enjoy the 15 minutes of expression and that an appreciative audience will find their way to your writings.

You are precious! And The STUFF!