Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Music in the Air

The early sounds of the day
begin to be heard, even before the sun has risen;
one by one sounds are added as the great city awakens -
like an orchestra beginning to warm up
in anticipation of the conductor arriving.
Sounds of a trash truck making its early rounds
with the clanking of cans and moving of dumpsters;
a bevy of people beginning to move about
shuffling through the streets,
honking of horns as impatient drivers try
to muscle their way by...
an army of people crowding the sidewalk, and
marching off to work, disturbed by the sudden
backfire of a truck,
and deafened by the loud rap from the window of a passing car,
all seem to surround us no matter where we are...
it's not the noises of the street that are heard....
......but the birth of the music in the air.

No matter how many sounds that we hear
bring no noise that we need fear,
but rather it is a melody drifting by
each adding its own distinct sound,
and giving us.... music in the air.

The noises of the street
marry as a symphony of sound
each adding to the tune that is heard;
an orchestra flowing from all around, and
placing music in the air.

The melodies drift softly by
mingled with the crash of the loudest note -
each adding to the rush of a blended sound,
placing music in the air.

No matter where we turn
or how far that we go,
it's not the noises of the street
that we hear.....but
the music in the air.

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